Magazine reveals top rated as 'Best Star Wars Character': Han Solo

Who is the best Star Wars character? Many will say Luke, others prefer Han Solo, most will say Darth Vader, Yoda or Obi-Wan Kenobi - there are also Princess Leia worshipers and the C3PO and R2D2 robots. To answer this question Empire magazine held a large online poll. The result is hardly a surprise: the winner was Han Solo.

Since the claim takes into account creatures rather than the actors who embody them, we are probably talking about Solo played by Harrison Ford - not Aldren Ehrenreich, seen in the younger version of Solo: A Star Wars Story.

The September issue of the magazine will feature more details about the election and the full result, with all 50 of the most voted. And you, what is your favorite? And do you have a guess for the top five positions? Leave there what you think in the comments!


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Magazine reveals top rated as 'Best Star Wars Character': Han Solo via TecMundo