Very noisy streets can disturb couples who want to get pregnant

A study of 65, 000 Danish women showed that those who live on busy streets have a harder time getting pregnant. This delay could be up to 1 year from the moment the couple begins to attempt pregnancy, if compared to the time that couples living in quieter places can reach conception.

The study crossed birth and traffic data between 1996 and 2002. Previous studies have shown that women usually get pregnant within six menstrual cycles from the moment they start trying. However, the study in Denmark showed that the chance of this time being extrapolated increases by up to 8% for every 10 decibels above normal.

Peaceful places favor pregnancy

The research also took into account social factors, ruling out poverty or access to sanitation as factors that may delay a pregnancy. However, women who took more than 12 months were discarded from the study, as the likelihood that they might have delayed pregnancy may have other factors, particularly biological and particular.

It is not yet known exactly how excessive noise can hinder the couple's fertility. However, previous studies have shown that sleep disturbances can disrupt women who want to become pregnant, and reduce the quality of men's semen. That is, excessively nightly cities may not be the best place for a couple in gestation.