Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

If you have a good time to be in Japan, it is now, especially in the Kawazu region near Tokyo. There spring came in splendid fashion: through the blossoming of countless cherry trees.

The flowers, which by the way are one of the symbols of the country, are pink in color and simply transformed Kamazu into a landscape worthy of painting. More than 8, 000 cherry trees display their flowers every year, creating a poetic and romantic atmosphere that attracts tourists from all over the world.

Generally sakuras, as Japanese cherry trees are called, emerge from late March to early April, but this year they decided to show up a little earlier. Visitors to the region can admire the flowers by train, as there is a specific walk among the trees that, besides being beautiful, have a charming aroma.

As if the beauty of the cherry trees was not enough during the day, at night they are all illuminated so that their reflections dance over the waters of the Izu peninsula. For the Japanese, the brevity of these flowers is compared to life itself, which has its beginning, its end and its beauty. Check out the following photos and then tell us what you think about them:

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees

Sakuras: The time has finally come for the splendid Japanese cherry trees