If there is 'Ze Gotinha', why do we still get injection?

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Have you ever wondered that if there are oral vaccine options - the ones we take with droplets - why are there so many that are given through painful injections?

According to Superinteressante, this is because only diseases transmitted through water or contaminated food can be prevented by oral vaccines, because the drug must travel the same path in our body by the virus.


In addition, oral vaccines are produced with much weaker versions of normal viruses that, once in contact with our body, reproduce in a controlled manner and cause our bodies to produce antibodies against infections.

Vaccines against diseases transmitted in other ways - such as measles, hepatitis B, tetanus and influenza, for example - can only be given by injections, because, unlike oral versions, injectable vaccines are produced with viruses. inactive or modified which, if administered orally, would eventually be eliminated by faeces.

Source: Super Interesting