Secret Revealed: 13 Photos That Hide Tricks From Professional Photographers

1. An underwater photo shoot

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

2. A man experiencing a snowfall

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

3. A cupboard at the top of a small stone carved staircase

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

4. A model being reflected by water

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

5. A woman's levitation

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

6. The arrival of a hurricane

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

7. A dog catching a tennis ball inside the pool

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

8. A beachside photo shoot

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

9. A photographer being dragged through the vineyards

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

10. Old cars driving on suburban street

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

11. The baby and his flying toys

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

12. A photo for the wedding album

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

13. The Silhouette of a Couple Reflected in a Water Drop

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)