Homeless person wins the lottery, donates to friends and doesn't leave the tent

Reports of altruism and charity are not strangers within underprivileged and underprivileged communities, but the story of Dennis Mahurin has drawn attention. The Indiana native, in the United States, won a $ 50, 000 lottery prize and, despite having no place to live, decided to give part of the money to homeless friends and mates.

According to Dennis, "With so many other homeless people around here, I made the decision to give $ 10 to each of them." The $ 50, 000 prize is now reduced to $ 35, 000 after tax and duty, and Dennis jokes that as his story spreads, he makes new friends who are interested in his generosity.

A new roof? A new tent

Asked if he did not consider using the premium to invest in a more traditional dwelling, Dennis replied that he is very happy to live “in the wild” and will at most use the money to buy a new tent. He also points out that while many have a job and where to go, he only has his tent and does not intend to abandon his life since 1978.

Following donations to homeless partners, Dennis plans to use the rest of the money to get dental treatment, visit her child and save what she can in savings. According to locals, Dennis is one of the nicest and dearest people in the community, and his attitude toward the prize reflects the generosity of his heart.