Was the Vatican hiding a time machine?

The Vatican is always remembered as the smallest country in the world, but it is also the target of great conspiracy theories. While some of the accusations are likely to be unfounded, others raise little more palpable suspicions of links to organized crime, connection to intelligence agencies, and influential people.

Wrapped in mystery and a conjunction of much of the rumors surrounding the institution, is the Chronovisor. He received prominence in conspiracy communities in 2002 after the release of the book “ Le Nouveau Mystere du Vatican ”, written by Father Francois Brune and unpublished in Portuguese.

But the religious, who specializes in the connection between paranormal events and religion, has only rekindled the flame over the camera that photographs the past, quoted in an article published in an Italian newspaper in 1972. Her story is troubled and sometimes seems the center of attention of many researchers, believing that it is real.

Chronovisor Origins

Given the Vatican's long existence, the fact that the evidence for the origin of the Chronovisor dates from the 1950s may bring a little more credibility to history. Nothing also prevents the information from being forged to cover up something much older. But let's follow.

The above article said that Father Pellegrino Ernetti entered the priesthood at an advanced age, with a history in academia before the decision. He would be responsible for leading the development of the creation of the apparatus, which would consist only of precious materials. Technical information about the machine would have been provided by Enrico Fermi, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who was a close friend of Ernetti.

Another renowned physicist and former Nazi SS member, Wernher von Braun, would also have assisted Ernetti in the development of the Chronovisor; that is, there was a theoretical basis of weight in the project. There is also information that something similar was being developed by the III Reich, by the name of Die Glocke or Nazi Bell .

At this point, it is good to remember that the Catholic Church officially or unofficially supported Hitler in his early years of government, and this connection may have generated information exchange among scientists at the institutions.

Device operation

The Chronovisor would use residual electromagnetic radiation left by numerous processes to enable the viewing of moments of the past as well as the near future. This energy would allow the creation of a “movie” of a certain time, by joining several images.

Ernetti had a great concern about using the device, which in the wrong hands could be extremely dangerous. He claimed to have envisioned the founding of Rome in 753 BC, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and obviously the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Parallel clues

Another connection that keeps the conspiracy upright was the murder of Douglas K. DeVorss in 1953. The crime occurred for a futile reason as he worked on publishing the life paper of Baird T. Spalding, who had died. a few months earlier, 95 years old. The work would be called "Life and Teachings of the Far East Masters."

Spalding claimed to have traveled through China, Tibet, and Iran between 1894 and 1897, acquiring knowledge of the Himalayan “older brothers”. In spite of his time away, Spalding had no source of income for this, which led to a charge of fraud.

Even so, upon his return, Spalding teamed up with an engineer to develop a camera for past events. The gathering of these facts makes their deaths suspicious, contributing to the conspiracy.

Data leaked by Wikileaks recently showed that, in the 1960s, information was exchanged between the Vatican and the CIA, specifically on the issue of quantum technology. Small details like this make the story even more interesting, as the content of messages between large institutions is not often publicized. Also, why would the Vatican have information about quantum technology that would be of interest to the high-tech country?

As much as Ernetti insisted on the equipment, Chronovisor is probably a rumor with a well-told story. Nevertheless, the Vatican has decreed that simply using a machine with such features would be a reason to excommunicate the user.

Clarification about the device is almost impossible, but if it really does exist, the risks in its use would be too high for it to be made available to everyone.


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