LEGO subscription service promises to entertain the little ones (and the adults!)

Everyone here was a kid once, so it's no secret that little kids get easily sick of a toy, even if it's new. Computers and tablets coupled with the internet are full of options that promise to distract children for some time, but for some parents this is not the best option.

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With this idea in mind, mother and businesswoman Elina Furman created Pley - an initiative that offers monthly subscriptions to LEGO sets to make life easier for parents and ensure the fun of children. Known as the “Netflix of LEGOs”, the service's main goal is to constantly renew children's options without parents having to invest huge amounts of money and accumulating colorful little pieces around the house.

Anyone who collects this kind of toy knows that it can be expensive, especially the themed sets with a lot of pieces. Even in the United States, LEGO is a salty option for the pocket of some, so the three subscriptions Pley offers are affordable: $ 15 a month for small kits, $ 25 for medium sets, and $ 39 for special, multi-issue editions. parts.

Made for children

As the main objective of the initiative is to offer creative options especially for the little ones, it was necessary to think about their welfare. In this sense, Pley knows that every child is more concerned with playing than organizing toys, so no additional fees are charged if up to 15 pieces disappear from the kit. Ah, the delivery and collection freight is also free.

Also, as the product changes owners monthly, all sets are properly sanitized before being sent to the next child. Since its inception, recent figures show that the company has sent over 75, 000 LEGOs around the country to 15, 000 families.

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Recently, the company received an investment of $ 6.7 million. Pley's next step is to expand its catalog with other types of toys that are equally educational and creative. With an investment like this, is there any chance of the news land in Brazil ?!