Does your PC take a long time to turn on? See some tips to make it faster

After some time using a computer, it is undeniable that it is becoming slower and slower. This can be noticed in several tasks - one of them is the time to turn on the machine. However, it is possible to change some settings on the PC to improve the situation and without spending money.

Enable quick boot

Windows 10 has a little known but very useful feature. It's the "quick boot" that makes your computer turn on faster. To enable the function, right-click on the Start menu. Then go to "power options" and go to "choose the power button function". Click on “Change settings not available at this time” and, finally, enable the option.

Disable automatic program launch

Several programs are set to start with Windows - one well-known is Skype. Although it is a useful setting in some situations, it makes the system take longer to shut down.

To disable autostart, press Ctrl + Alt + Del to open Task Manager, or right-click on the toolbar. In the "Startup" tab, pay attention to the programs that most impact the system startup, and disable them.

Disable unnecessary hardware

When the computer starts, drivers are loaded for all devices that are connected to the machine, such as optical disc drives (CD, DVD, and Blu-ray), webcams, printers, bluetooth antennas, and others that are rarely used.

By disabling these devices, it is possible for the PC to waste energy on more important processes. Just open Device Manager, right-click on the desired items and select "Disable." You will see black arrows above the icons.

Bet on more RAM

If you find it necessary to invest in your PC to make it faster, buying more RAM may be a good option. But be sure to check if the motherboard can accommodate larger combs and if the boards are working properly.

Use an SSD

If disk space is not that necessary, choosing an SSD over HD is an alternative boot to gain more speed. They are more expensive, but make the PC much faster and use less power.

Via TecMundo.