Amazing liquid simulator keeps your browser screen moving

The virtual liquid moves at the touch of the mouse (Image source: Playback / Cake23)
Turning your browser's center area into a "liquid surface" - and, to make things even more "real, " make "waves" form by touching this region with your mouse, leaving the virtual fluid in motion. This is the amazing experiment that was developed by German student Felix Woitzel, who made his creation available on the Cake23 website.

On the page, you can follow the "animation" fps and some information about the project. Woitzel states that the fluid simulation has 512 KB particles and is based on the study by Evgeny Demidov - who presents the calculations involving 2D fluid dynamics.

The “joke” results in incredible images, as the fluid on the canvas produces its own shapes that are constantly changing, resulting in a style of “psychedelic painting”. The only warning we give is that, depending on the computer, virtual net simulation can get heavy - but it's worth a try.

Source: Cake23