Did you hear that ET Bilu's "friend" ufologist was honored by MPs in MS?

We at Mega Curioso have already talked a little bit about the curious case of ET Bilu, an alleged alien being made news here in Brazil a few years ago. You can check out the story in which we tell the story of this creature through this link, but in short, the alien would be a space traveler from the Pegasus Constellation who decided to settle on our planet - more precisely, around the city of Corguinho, Mato Grosso do Sul.

Who introduced this ET to the world - or to the Brazilian public - was the ufologist Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, who became the alien's brother . This guy was also the founder of an initiative called Project Portal and is running a scientific company called Dakila Research, and he was the one who at the time acted as an intermediary between Bilu and the media, because, yes, the extraterrestrial came to grant interviews to more than one television channel.

If you don't remember the story, the following video features one of the creature's supposed (and rough ) appearances. Watch:


Well ... And why are we digging up this case now? Because we learned that Urandir, ET Bilu's friend, was honored by the Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso do Sul, and came to receive a Congratulation Motion from the hands of the deputies - who interrupted the session for the occasion. The reason for the laurea ?

According to Ronny Cruz of CBN Campo Grande - in a news shared by the JPNews portal staff - Urandir was honored for his contributions in several areas, including Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Geography, Paleontology and Astronomy. What's more, besides making friends with galactic travelers, the ufologist is also a fervent supporter of Flat Earth Theory and said he was in possession of studies that would prove that our planet, rather than spherical, would be convex.

Honored Ufologist

"Seek Knowledge" (Reproduction: JPNews / Luciana Nassar / Alms)

The research would have been conducted by the Urandir company and had the participation of national and international scientific organizations. And, according to the ufologist, in addition to covering geological, planetary, and astronomical issues, the studies would also have included cancer-related genetic surveys and other issues that concern the earthlings.

Urandir did not even produce any document to prove the information mentioned by him during the tribute. But the ufologist has revealed something about producing a documentary in which we presume the truth will be revealed. According to Ronie Cruz, the congratulation was delivered in early October after the proposal was unanimously approved by parliamentarians in the Legislative Assembly, where members should not have taken ET Bilu's advice - "just seek knowledge" - very seriously.


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