Crazy Swedes and their amazing engines

Cold winters, a lot of snow, extremely short days and little interesting things to do. This seems to be the perfect combination that led a group of Swedes to design and build some incredible propulsion engines.

The boys from the Mobacken and Svarthalet Racing groups are experts at building and testing rocket and jet engines and testing their inventions in the vast snowy areas of Sweden.

Trapped to sleds and snowmobiles, the supermotors apparently have incredible strength and deafening snore. One of the models - a simple sled with a propulsion engine - consists of a few stainless steel tubes and what appears to be a leaf blower. But make no mistake, because in fact the blower is a fan with a power of 4 kW. Believe me, it makes enough noise to scare any unsuspecting stroll through the area.

By the way, a lot of noise in snow areas ... Isn't that dangerous?