Penis size may have shrunk by 10% in the last 50 years

Source: Thinkstock

If the saying "size is document" really is true, then it's time for men to start worrying. An Italian study released this month revealed that over the past 50 years, the average size of the male genital organ has decreased by 10%.

According to information from CBS, there is no data to explain how the researchers discovered the change. However, the survey gives clues as to why the penis may have shrunk. Weight gain, stress, smoking, and alcohol abuse are among the reasons for the new measures. Excessive air pollution may also be influencing male anatomy.

However, there are those who do not agree with this view. American commentator Rush Limbaugh stated on his radio program that, in fact, feminism is largely to blame for the shrinking of the organ. However, he could not explain for sure why the movement would be responsible for men being less gifted today.

Can you predict the size of the penis?

Forget the joke of asking how much your partner puts on to find out if he has intimate measures above the national average. Researchers at Gachon University in South Korea found that the secret of the boy's penis size can be revealed by his hands.

According to the study, which analyzed the anatomy of 144 men in their 20s, there is a relationship between the length of the ring finger and the index finger with the size of the erect penis. Thus, men who have the index finger smaller than the ring finger have the longest erect penis.

According to information released by the Huffington Post, the measure is revealing because it is associated with the level of testosterone exposure that men had in the prenatal period.