Was a UFO sighted in North Carolina?

Funny how now, that everyone has a camera phone in their hands all the time, sightings of unidentified flying objects are becoming less and less frequent, right? For a few days ago the registration of a supposed UFO went viral on the internet and is generating talk.

It will be?

For some reason, the images only got onto the radar recently, as they were originally captured in late May, the 29th. The scenes were reportedly shot at Norman Lake, North Carolina, around 10:30 am In the morning by a guy named Jason Swing - who lives in the area and went to pick up a boat or something.

And there was Jason on his way, when suddenly he spotted what looked like a large object flying stationary over the water. According to him, that day, it had been raining all morning, but when bad weather took a break and he turned a corner and came face to face with the strange object. That's when he pulled his smartphone from his pocket and started filming. Watch below:

The video, as always happens in such cases, is not very clear - and the impression is that Jason was jumping like a kangaroo when filming the scene. In any case, the images appear to show a sizable black artifact flying slowly over the area, and Jason can be heard to say that it is a spaceship.

It turns out that from images it is difficult to estimate the size of the object, how far away it is, or to determine what shape it has. It's also hard to guarantee that the whole thing was just a frame - or that it was something completely ordinary, like a simple drone, for example.

The fact is that few people watching the video have embarked on this spaceship talk and, among the theories presented, are the drone (which is a strong one among the "guessers"), to which the blur would be a Goodyear propaganda blimp., which, by the way, was spotted in the area around the same time that the UFO was filmed, a military aircraft, or just a commercial aircraft itself, since there is an airport near the lake. And you, dear reader, what do you think?


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