Football team sells 18 players to buy goats and earn revenue

When a firm is in financial trouble, the tactic of making mass cuts to save money is one of the most feared options for employees. Now, have you ever wondered when the crisis is affecting a football team? Possibly, if you were the owner, you would sell either player, but that's not what the Gulspor managers did: they sold out no less than 18 athletes to buy 10 goats!

Turkey's tiny team is not among the largest in Turkey and needs to be in smaller divisions. Thus, sponsorship and public investment never arrive. To try to contain the crisis, Kenan Büyükleblebi, the president of Gulspor, decided to sell 18 players and buy 10 goats, so that selling the milk and meat of the animals could generate revenue and move the cashier.


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The athletes were sold for 15, 000 Turkish Lire - just under $ 10, 000. Already the business with goats should yield annually up to 5, 000 lire, something around $ 3, 200. Thus, by building a herd in the coming years, it will be possible to have a revenue stream that includes buying new players.

Gulspor was founded in 1954 and, although small, is one of the oldest in Turkey. Büyükleblebi expects to have around 140 goats in 6 years, which will help keep the team alive and active even in the least prestigious football divisions.


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