Working on clothes is a thing of the past, fashion is now working naked

Having a job that pays the equivalent of $ 175 an hour is for a few, don't you think? If we worked 8 hours a day, this would give a monthly salary of over $ 30, 000! Were you tempted to get this dream opportunity? So you need to be a woman and work hard as a cleaning lady.

Unusual history began to roll in Manchester, England, when a company announced vacancies paying £ 45 per hour of work. Women would need to perform the service completely naked, serving clients who practice naturism. All housework needs to be mastered, such as sweeping the floor, washing clothes and cleaning windows.

Employees work without clothes at naturism fans' house

The ad came up on Facebook and generated a lot of controversy. Naturist Cleaners has been serving London for over 2 years and now plans to expand to other cities in England. Business managers make sure there is nothing sexual about this job offer; they just think this is a way of offering a service that is more targeted to their audience, who is required not to take pictures of the day laborers.

In London, the company pays £ 65 in the first hour of work and £ 55 in the following - the equivalent of £ 253 and £ 214 respectively. Naturist Cleaners has not explained why it will pay less in Manchester. For comparison, a normal cleaning with clothes pays between £ 20 and £ 25 per hour - from £ 78 to £ 97.