'Godzilla' Trailer Reveals Monster and Brings Battlefield Style Soldiers

When you learned that the direction of "Godzilla" was under the command of the already revered David S. Goyer, who led the productions of "The Man of Steel" and "Batman", you must have been excited, right? Mainly because the new movie may represent a return to the so-called "Cinema Catastrophe", of which the first "Godzilla" was part, albeit with the failed edition of 1998.

Time has passed and now you can see a little more of the result of this second work, after all the trailer for the feature that should debut in May 2014 has just been released. The movie footage of one of the most popular Japanese monsters of all time is relatively disturbing.


Image Source: Reproduction / Godzilla

The following trailer shows the bizarre arrival of some soldiers who most seem to have come out of a Battlefield scene. Other than that, the usual plot: moments of suspense, destruction, fear and, of course, the "scream" of our gigantic monster.

Check out the following images and then tell us what your expectations are with the movie. If you would like to know even more about the story of “Godzilla”, be sure to read this article, which gives an overview of the monster's history: