Transformation? People show the power of the right angle

Do you know that day when you look in the mirror and don't feel nice? Take a picture and you're not happy with what you see? Then, minutes later, you give that one checked on Instagram and you see a lot of people squandering perfect looking bodies.

Calm down, not everything is what it seems. To prove it, several people are posting two pictures taken just 30 seconds apart, all to show the influence that the right angle, good light and great posture can have.

1. This woman tells how she had to “deform” to take the second picture: “I was sucking my stomach so much I thought I was going to faint”

2. In this other sharing, you can see the difference between correct body posture and more relaxed posture.

3. Another Challenge Participant

4. Although not taking the picture the same day, user maeve_madden decided to show how hormones, bloating and food intolerances can make her