BH transgender people will be able to do pre-university entrance exams for free

The transgender community is one of the most severely curtailed in society, but this is the days of the past - at least that is what the Belo Horizonte TransVest project is aiming for, among other things, offering a pre-university entrance exam course. trans public

In addition, TransVest is an artistic and educational project that aims to discuss LGBT culture, train drag queens, offer English courses and encourage the visibility of gender issues in society. It is notorious and historic that the target audience (transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people) live on the margins of the population. This can (and should!) Increasingly change through these inclusion initiatives.

Classes for Enem 2016 will start on March 7, will take place from Monday to Friday, from 1 pm to 5:30 pm, and will be free. Teachers of the main pre-university courses in BH will teach the classes voluntarily. To participate, you must contact us via email ( ), Facebook or by phone (31) 99922-2666. You can also volunteer to further enhance the power of TransVest.

In São Paulo, Transcidadania project also wants to encourage social inclusion

It is also important to note that the project has no partnership with any public agency and does not yet have government support. Even so, even the teaching material will be entirely free for interested students. The initiative is similar to the Transcidadania program of São Paulo, which also intends to reinsert this public into society. The photos in this article are images of this visionary project, which completes 1 year in 2016.


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