Uber and Claudia Magazine create campaign to combat harassment

Aiming to combat the culture of sexual violence in the country, the Uber racing app and the women's magazine Claudia have partnered to join efforts to combat harassment.

The union enabled the creation of a driver's booklet, which is being distributed in all application centers in the country. A digital version of the material and a didactic video will also be sent to all male app partners throughout this week.

Source: Claudia + Uber

The actions will also involve several lectures on the subject, live, to Uber drivers in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Recife.

Tips like: “cleavage or miniskirt are never an invitation to anything” or “never ask if you're going to work or home” are present in the material. There are also more basic but important recommendations, such as “call the user by name, not by nickname” or “don't say phrases like: It had to be a woman”.

To Uber Brazil CEO Gui Telles, "This booklet brings recommendations that are quite simple and straightforward in appearance, but which carry gender issues that we would like to see resolved."

Source: Playback / Video Claudia + Uber

In Brazil, 85% of women are afraid of being abused; Among them, about 90% of young women have stopped doing any activity out of fear. The country occupies the fifth place in the world ranking in the number of murders of women.

The rate of gender inequality does not stop there: in the workplace, women's salary equals 76% of men's earnings. And believe me, there is nothing "mimimi" in these numbers, as frighteningly 86% of them suffer harassment in the country. To learn more about the partnership, you can check out this link.

Via TecMundo.