Japanese university installs forever alone tables in the cafeteria

Tired of staring at the guy in front of you as you tear up that fine piece of spiced meat from your college cafeteria? He might as well hide his face behind something, right? Well, a Japanese university listened to student "appeals" with, say, little potential for socializing over meals. These are “forever alone” cafeteria tables set up at Kyoto University.

Titled “boicchi seki” (boicchi means “alone” in Japanese), the tables have a huge partition that is 50 centimeters high at the face of the students, to avoid “unnecessary” contact when filling the boucho. According to Asahi News, the "lone seats" were installed during the last refurbishment of the cafeteria as a special proposal for the engineering campus.

Idea became popular

Apparently, many engineers in training were bothered by the idea of ​​having a subject standing in front, watching to see if something had caught between the teeth (you will know). According to that publication, the idea - no doubt quite original - of Kyoto University has proved quite popular with a large number of students.

After all, as Asahi stresses, students are very busy and don't always have time for a meal spiced with social interactions - not to mention those people who simply prefer to eat alone, naturally. Anyway, privacy can really be a blessing, right? Of course ... But with some considerations.

Because a white board can be friendlier sometimes. Image Source: Reproduction / Asahi News

"If you're sitting at a huge table by yourself, it's like you don't have friends, and that's embarrassing, " a 22-year-old student told the site. “When you don't have a lot of time or in a hurry, private seating is convenient, ” says a 22-year-old future engineer.

Following Kyoto's example, Kobe University has also set up bocchi seats to help students and avoid uncomfortable dining experiences in a public setting. Now only partitions are missing on the sides. That is, it can be unpleasant to rub your arm on the guy next door while tearing a piece of liver with onions.