Video of squid being arrested is bait to infect computer

Facebook-sponsored posts are being used as bait to deceive potential victims. In this case, Brazilian cybercriminals are sponsoring posts about the condemnation of former president Luís Inácio Lula da Silva. By entering the link, the user ends up downloading a malicious file with the ability to steal bank credentials.

According to Kaspersky analyst Fabio Assolini, in a Twitter post, "the Facebook-sponsored post offers an alleged video of his arrest [Lula] and the download of a banking trojan, which was hosted on a website." .

See the image below the fake post:


Fake post

Bank Trojans have the ability to lodge in a machine and steal data such as checking account number, passwords and security codes. To keep your machine safe, it's worth the tip: Don't click on unfamiliar links, especially on social networks. Also, keep an antivirus running on your computer or smartphone.

Video of squid being arrested is bait to infect computer via TecMundo