See what happens when 11 snooker balls are transformed into emojis

1. Playing pool has never involved as many feelings as now.

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

2. That's because artist Winigreeni decided to turn snooker balls into emojis.

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

3. The result, besides being funny, was extremely creative.

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

4. Here we see the tram of the afflicted hoping that the good aim of the player is just small talk

(Author: Winigreeni)

5. While here we note the reaction of the emoji as they are gathered inside the cruel wooden triangle

(Author: Winigreeni)

6. Go!

(Author: Winigreeni)

7. Always appears some unfortunate person willing to laugh at the misfortune of others

(Author: Winigreeni)

8. A poor fellow about to be potted

(Author: Winigreeni)

9. And a ticket determined to harass any of the players

(Author: Winigreeni)

10. In this game, not even the most fragile are spared

(Author: Winigreeni)

11. And as much as one feels free from a master's strokes, it is good to be careful: one hour, when least expected, it gives the air of grace!

(Author: Winigreeni)