10 amazing things with guitar-inspired design

It's easy to recognize a true guitar lover. Not only will he be content to play the instrument, he will have it tattooed on his arms, carry key chains with famous models of Telecasters, Stratocasters, Flying-Vs and other iconic ones. But some go even further, making guitars even more present in their lives - or in their deaths, as you will see below.

Can you imagine people who take their love of guitars so seriously that they even build houses in the shape of musical instruments? People who ask their own coffins to be created as if they were a great guitar and others who customize motorcycles to show their passion for strings? Well now you will check out a little more about this amazing universe.

1. Till Death Does Not Separate Us

Musician John Graham passed away in 2012 and his wife didn't think twice about ordering a Fender Stratocaster-inspired casket that he loved to play - a model he won when he was just 15 years old.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee

2. High power

Ray Nelson is an artist and biker in love with the two things you might already be imagining: motorcycles and guitars. That's why he customized a Yamaha 650 to make it look the most amazing he could imagine.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee

3. A garden of longing

Pedro Martin Utera is an Argentine who has been cultivating a small guitar-shaped forest for decades. He created the place to honor the memory of his wife, who died in the late 1970s and still cares for the mile-long forest.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee

4. A backyard deck

A couple in love with music decided to create a guitar-shaped deck in their backyard. There they can take friends to talk, play real instruments and even fish.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee

5. 6-string Car

A custom car is always something to watch for and when we add the “guitar factor” to the story, it becomes even more real. Jay Ohberg is responsible for the project, inspired by a guitar of legend Chuck Berry.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee

6. Musical boat

Josh Pyle is an Australian singer-songwriter and in 2008 he came up with the idea of ​​recording a clip in which his guitar could be a big boat. The result is this that you are seeing below.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee

7. For moments of reflection

No matter what time you need to go to the bathroom, your guitar will always be ready to help you think.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee

8. My guitar, my life

Country music singer Elvis Cardin decided to go much further than anyone else had ever gone. So he asked them to design his house like the Gibson guitar he liked best.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee

9. A slide on the railing

Stairs and guitars match very well - classic rock fans will understand the reference - so why not add them up? Indian designers came up with this idea and created the railing and ladder you see below.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee

10. A little overdive

"Overdrive" is a very common word for guitarists on duty. Now, if we put the guitars in Webb Pierce's pool, it's really refreshing overdives.

Image Source: Playback / Oddee