10 Nutrients That Can Boost Your Mood

If you want more vitality or a hint of good humor, how about getting it at the nearest fairground or supermarket? Foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids are essential for good health, but studies have shown that they are also able to increase your happiness, lessening the symptoms of depression and ending anxiety.

And do you know how food can improve our mood? It all comes down to the brain. A healthy cognitive system is essential for mood regulation, and certain nutrients have a profound impact on maintaining normal brain function.

Researchers have been studying the association between food and the brain, identifying 10 nutrients that can fight depression and improve mood. Check below for more information on each of these nutrients and what foods they can be found in.

1 - Calcium

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The most abundant mineral in the body, calcium plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and healthy blood vessels, as well as helping to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Low calcium levels may contribute to depression, affecting women more. than men. Therefore, women should take special care to meet daily needs.

Some foods that are sources of calcium: collard greens, ricotta, sardines, figs, cheese, yogurt or low fat milk.

    2 - Chrome

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    A mineral found in small amounts in the body, chromium helps metabolize food. Lack of chromium affects the body's ability to regulate insulin (the sugar-regulating hormone) and can lead to diabetes-related complications such as vision loss and high blood pressure.

    And why does the substance help in a good mood? Chromium plays an important role in increasing the level of brain serotonin, norepinephrine and melatonin, which help regulate emotions and mood.

    Some foods that are sources of chromium: broccoli, grape juice, mushrooms, nuts, potatoes and turkey breast.

      3 - Folic Acid

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      Folic acid (also known as folate or vitamin B9) helps the body create new cells and aids in the regulation of serotonin. Serotonin passes messages between brain nerve cells and helps to manage a variety of functions, including social behavior and mood. As a treatment for depression, folic acid is often combined with vitamin B12 for great results.

      Some foods that are sources of folic acid: spinach, cowpeas, beef liver, asparagus and avocado.

        4 - Iron

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        Iron plays an important role in the body as it has the power to carry oxygen to balance energy levels and aid in muscle strength. Therefore, low iron levels can lead to fatigue and depression. The nutrient is also essential for the prevention and treatment of anemia, which has symptoms such as apathy and mood swings.

        Foods that are sources of iron: oats, soy, lentils, lean meat, and dark turkey meat.

          5 - Magnesium

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          Magnesium is a mineral that performs over 300 functions to maintain and protect the health of the body. So save this one well to include in your daily menu. Magnesium deficiency can cause irritability, fatigue, mental confusion and predisposition to stress. The mineral plays a large role in the development of serotonin, which is a major contributor to the feeling of happiness.

          Foods that are sources of magnesium: almonds, spinach, granola, cashews, okra, peanuts and peas.

            6 - Omega-3

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            Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that plays an important role in brain health. However, the body does not naturally produce this nutrient and therefore it needs to be consumed from external sources. Symptoms of deficiency include fatigue, mood swings, memory impairment and depression.

            Studies show a correlation between fish consumption with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and a decreased risk of depression and suicide. If you don't like fish, chia seeds also have this effect.

            Foods that are sources of omega-3: chia or flax seeds, salmon, Chinese broccoli, herring, trout and spinach.

              7 - Vitamin B6

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              Vitamin B6 helps the production of neurotransmitters and its deficiency can cause anemia, weakened immune system, mental confusion and depression. Therefore, consuming vitamin B6 is essential for regulating brain function, which influences our emotions.

              Foods that are sources of vitamin B6: chickpeas, tuna, salmon, chicken breast (without skin), bananas, brown rice and whole grains.

                8 - Vitamin B12

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                Vitamin B12 is an essential element that helps in the production of red blood and nerve cells. Low B12 levels can cause fatigue, poor thinking, and even paranoia, being associated with depression.

                Vitamin B12 is found naturally in meat, eggs and animal products, which means vegetarians and vegans are at increased risk of developing a deficiency. Sufficient vitamin B12 intake allows the body to synthesize a group of nutrients essential for normal neurological functioning.

                Foods that are sources of vitamin B12: trout, salmon, crab, beef liver, eggs, cheese and tuna.

                  9 - Vitamin D

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                  The so-called sunshine vitamin is essential for our health. In addition to being acquired by exposure to sunlight, vitamin D must also be consumed through food. This nutrient helps regulate cell growth, plays an important role in maintaining the immune system and protects bones.

                  Studies show that low vitamin D levels are associated with depressive symptoms in men and women. Therefore, in cold climate countries, depression is more recurrent. Enjoy and replenish your vitamin D supply for fall and winter, when sunny days are scarcer.

                  Foods that are sources of vitamin D: cod liver oil (1 tbsp daily), salmon, tuna, sardines, yolk, milk and cereals.

                    10 - Zinc

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                    Zinc is found in almost every cell and plays an important role in supporting a healthy immune system while helping to protect the gut from damage.

                    Low dietary zinc levels can lead to a variety of illnesses, including weakened immunity, anemia, hair loss and depression. Studies have identified zinc as a major factor in reducing depressive symptoms, just as vitamin can improve antidepressant response and lessen its side effects.

                    Foods that are sources of zinc: pumpkin seeds, almonds, roasted cashews, pork loin and Swiss cheese.