Bill seeks to ban and fine male masturbation in Texas

No, dear reader, you have not read the wrong title: There really is a bill banning male masturbation that has just come to the State Affairs Commission in the Texas House. The proposal comes from Democratic Representative Jessica Farrar, who intends to fine up to $ 100 who violates the determination.

The same bill also seeks to impose rules on access to male Viagra, vasectomies and colonoscopies. One is that every man who wants any of these procedures would need to read a booklet entitled "The Right of Man to Know." You will also need a rectal exam and an MRI to gain access to it.

"Emissions from masturbation, " that is, semen, should be safeguarded for wives for the sole purpose of conception. And man cannot sue his doctor if any of these new determinations go against his personal, political, or religious beliefs.

Jessica Farrar

Jessica Farrar raised the proposal earlier this year; this Tuesday (10) she was referred to the Chamber

This is real?

The proposal is real, but with a dose of irony behind it. Jessica Farrar is an advocate for women's rights to decide what they want to do with their bodies, including controversies such as abortion - today, Texas law requires them to read a booklet entitled "Women's Right to Know" and to have an ultrasound before to interrupt pregnancy. Abortion of a viable fetus can lead to up to 5 years in prison.

According to Jessica, by imposing bans and fines on male masturbation, she intends to show how incoherent the laws are when it comes to sexuality and gender freedoms - it is men, for example, who determine what women can do with their bodies.

Even though it was a radical and satirical attitude, the proposal passed in the first instance and will now be judged in the House. Hardly to pass, of course, but at least it has taken the abortion debate to a whole different level from what had been discussed earlier. Would this work in Brazil?


Abortion booklet is a must-read for women intending to do so

For more absurd laws, read:

  • 9 bizarre laws already proposed in Brazil
  • 5 unbelievable things that are forbidden around the world
  • 5 more bizarre bans that have been enacted in the world