11 cakes to celebrate Harry Potter's birthday

If it were a real person, Harry Potter would be turning 35 on Friday. The wizard who spent his teens discovering his origins and importance in the universe of magic would already be a grown-up with his three children who were about to enter the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

To commemorate the birthday of the character created by JK Rowling in 1997, we put together a selection of cake photos inspired by the Harry Potter universe. Check out these 11 wonders made by fans of the saga:

1. Harry Potter Bust

2. Divination Lessons

3. Owl

4. Boar Head Pub

5. Gringotts Bank

6. Hagrid's Hut

7. Quidditch game

8. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

9. Hogwarts Coat of Arms

10. "Bolivro"

11. Cake and Cupcakes

Which one looks more appetizing? Also incarnate the cake boss in you and prepare a tasty cake based on Harry Potter! Oh ... and don't forget to send us a piece! We love Harry Potter. And cakes.