11 creative campaigns for International Women's Day on social networks

If you can think only of roses and chocolates when it's time to honor women today, here are some examples of inspiring - and very creative - circulating on social networks:

1 - MasterCard

2 - Monica's Gang

3 - Salvador City Hall

4 - Netflix

5 - Morya Communication

6 - L'Oréal Paris

7 - Domino's Pizza

8 - Beautiful Gil

According to Sensationalist folks Bela Gil, who hosts a cooking show on the GNT channel, sent the message: "You can replace roses with respect, for example." Simple and easy!

9 - Estadão

The publication pays tribute to women with the # 7minutes1denunic campaign, in which it will post a new tweet about violence against women every 7 minutes throughout the day. By the time this article was posted, the number was already 125.

10 - AzMina Magazine

11 - Avon


What was the tribute to the coolest International Women's Day you have ever seen? Comment on the Mega Curious Forum