12 bizarre curiosities about the largest fast food chains

You may not think about it while you are eating or looking at the order line - which is often huge - but McDonald's and Burger King are gigantic. And in proportion to their size, they keep strange and surprising stories about their trajectories and products.

Below you will find 12 bizarre facts about these two brands, which are among the largest fast food chains in the world. And relax, you will be able to continue eating quietly and without weight in consciousness - or not.


  1. Out of every eight workers in the United States, at least one has worked at McDonald's.
  2. McDonald's is the largest employer in Brazil.
  3. In England, a sandwich made with bacon and cheese is called Bacon Roll.
  4. McDonald's corn muffin has more calories than a typically American, overfilled donut.
  5. McDonald's sells beer ... But only in Germany.
  6. In Japan, you can buy a bacon and potato tart.
  7. Antarctica is the only continent without a McDonald's branch.
  8. McDonald's would be a richer nation than Mongolia.
  9. For a copyright issue, the Australian Burger King is called Hungry Jack's.
  10. You'll have to walk more than 14 km to burn the calories of a Double Cheese Whopper.
  11. Chinese Burger King began by offering a black Angus XT truffle.
  12. Burger King was responsible for the first commercial to attack another Fast Food chain in 1981, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar (star of Buffy - The Vampire Slayer).


Source: Press Release / Mc Donald's

One scene that many people always remember is from the movie Pulp Fiction, the characters talk about what is called the "Block" of McDonalds. In France this sandwich is called "Royale with Cheese" because they do not use the same metric system. That way they don't recognize a block like us Brazilians. This also happens in other countries that use another type of metric.

Source: BuzzFeed, The Fiscal Times, The Rio Times, My Life Style Diet, HowStuffWorks, McDonalds, TvTropes, Telegraph, SeriousSeat, and Funtrivia

Via Tecmundo