13 optical illusions prove that the angle in a photograph is everything

1. Real-life Inception

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

2. Upside down

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

3. The brown press

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

4. Seeing this, Agnaldo Timoteo began to sing, "Don't go away ..."

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

5. Living Wall

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

6. “Is that you, Satan?”

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

7. Changed the hairdresser for a gardener

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

8. Adapting Megaphones

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

9. Leisure in the mouth of the abyss

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

10. Fearsome Giant

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

11. Take the light girl

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

12. Making Dona Spider

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

13. Bike Path to Hell

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

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