15 unlucky ones who had a much worse day than yours

When we get up with the left foot there is no way: the world will conspire so that all the bad things happen to you only. If you think you got the big luck in this big lottery of doom, be aware that you are not alone. The people below have also had days that they want to erase from memory (but the photos don't let them, amen!). Check out:

1. The clerk held the donut of the person with the top down


2. One thought the internet-bought frying pan would be a little bit bigger

frying pan

3. At least you can mend with superglue


4. The worker will have to explain this to the boss


5. The dog just wanted to give the door a little help


6. Worst of all, the pot was full. Best of all, the damn dove took only the box

French fries

7. Someone will have to buy a new table and computer


8. That's what Caesar salad can ask for in unreliable wineries


9. Expectation When Buying a Telescope vs. Hobby Reality


10. The unfortunate squirrel found a good place to store his nuts


11. The fool thought it was eye candy, but it was mouthwash refreshing mint

eye drops

12. Such a waterproof camera is not that sturdy. That was your last record before you "passed away"


13. What now?


14. The delivery man has left the parcel at the driveway


15. The oven exploded alone with the chicken inside



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