Choir singing Evidence on the subway is what you need to have a good day

Go to any karaoke in Brazil and surely you will see someone singing “Evidências”, which is one of the most amazing songs in Brazil. The classic is so classic that even when a random person starts singing it on the subway, it is quite possible that everyone chooses to thicken the choir.

Starting with the good old “I could be stealing, I could be killing” speech, actress Zenaide Denardi made an unusual and fun dream come true on the Sao Paulo subway.

On Saturday, July 15, she started talking to all the passengers, saying that she wanted the help of the crowd to sing the classic Chitãozinho de Xororó and thus make a declaration of love for one person. If at first the eyes are suspicious, in a matter of seconds she managed to get almost everyone into the choir and turned the subway ride into one of the most incredible in the world. Watch:

We sincerely hope that she will also be a fan of "Blue Nightclub".