15 illustrations about modern life that will expand your mind

Based in Mexico City, the Italian Marco Melgrati expresses, through art, intrinsic aspects of modernity and its consequences in the behavior of our species. In a critical and scathing manner, his works address issues that often go unnoticed in our daily lives, such as technology dependency, greed for power, modern separatism, and the life of social network appearances.

Melgrati's work - as well as the work of artists of the caliber of Koren Shadmi and John Holcroft - is far from solving the world's problems, but it undoubtedly encourages timely thinking and contributes to our increased awareness of themes that are generally set aside. Here is a selection with some of your creations:

1. Mirror, my mirror

Mirror, my mirror

2. Strenuous workdays


3. New opinion makers

opinion makers

4. Wolfskin Lamb

Wolf skin

5. Choosing the easy way

easy way

6. The Burial of Privacy

burial of privacy

7. Building Your Own Identity

own identity

8. Love in WiFi Times

Love in times of Wi-Fi

9. New universal language

New universal language

10. Change of course

Change of course

11. Television Terror

Televised terror

12. Inattentive We Will Suffer

Inattentive we will suffer

13. Holy Wars

Holy wars

14. Reflections of Greed

Greed Reflexes

15. In search of overcoming

In search of overcoming