17 useless curiosities you can't help but know

As useless as they are, some information is simply amazing to know. After checking out 33 insane curiosities, it's time to address useless facts, but they will surely increase your general knowledge.

One day Silvio Santos will resurrect the Million Show! If you have any questions related to the topics below and you become a millionaire, we would be delighted to have contributed. But if none of this happens, at least you'll have some cool things to share with your friends anytime.

1. Research has shown that the top earners prefer toilet paper to come from the top of the roll. Consequently, those with lower wages usually position the roll so that the paper comes from the bottom;

Image Source: Reproduction / Fine Animal Gorilla

2. Women blink more than men. One study found that they blink spontaneously 19 times per minute, while they blink only 11 times;

3. The founders of Hewlett-Packard made heads or tails to decide which name would appear first in the company;

4. Some animals - such as weasels, otters and kangaroos - are able to delay their gestation for months. This is because the embryo of these species stops its development before attaching itself to the uterine wall;

5. Sigmund Freud came to believe that cocaine could be used to treat morphine addiction;

6. NASA was obliged to rename the size of the apparatus used by astronauts to pee. Instead of small, medium and large, they were called large, giant and huge because astronauts refused to choose the most appropriate size;

Image Source: Shutterstock

7. The flamingos' exuberant coloring comes from carotenoids, which are pigments they get through some foods, such as algae and shrimps;

8. It is possible to estimate the temperature (in Fahrenheit) by counting the number of times a cricket crumbles in 15 seconds and adding the number 37;

9. In the United States, the pizza industry serves about 100 acres of pizza every day;

10. Scientists accidentally killed the oldest animal in the world while trying to examine it. It was a clam over 500 years old;

11. After each player makes three moves in a game of chess, there are 121 million possible paths to the game;

Image Source: Shutterstock

12. In the 14th century, French officials executed a pig in public after he was accused of devouring a child;

13. A traditional magic cube has (the unspeakable number of) possible different combinations. And believe me, each can be solved with 20 moves or less;

14. Camels have three eyelids to protect their eyes from the sand;

15. The oldest chewing gum in the world is at least 5, 000 years old;

16. An ostrich's brain is about the size of one of its eyes;

17. The ideal time to drop a buttered toast and make it fall with the butter up is 2.43 meters.

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If after checking these 17 curiosities you doubted any of them, be sure to check out Quora and BuzzFeed, both in English, for links to each fact and to understand where this information comes from.