17 blockbusters movies you regret paying for watching

17. Justice League (2017)

Justice League (2017)

What should have been DC's version of The Avengers - in terms of success - turned out to be a box office failure, to the delight of Marvel.

16. Godzilla (1998)

Godzilla (1998)

The Godzilla of 2014 may have been disappointing, but it's worthy of an Oscar compared to that first attempt. With a completely modified Godzilla in its design and a laughable cast performance, it is undoubtedly one of the worst films of the 1990s.

15. Star Wars Prequels (1999-2005)

Star Wars

Star Wars fans have waited more than two decades for George Lucas to live up to his promise to tell the origin of Darth Vader, but things did not go as expected. Of course the original trilogy has its flaws too, but the prequels went too far with their dated CGI, meaningless acting, and "beloved" characters like Jar Jar Binks.

14. Mission Impossible 2 (2000)

Mission Impossible 2 (2000)

John Woo is considered one of the greatest action movie directors of all time. But that doesn't make him the right guy for every movie in the genre. An example is this disastrous continuation of the 1996 movie Mission Impossible .

13. Transformers Franchise (2007-2017)

Transformers (2007-2017)

We have to admire the Transformers franchise for its unique ability to remain consistently bad and yet generate billions of dollars. The movies boil down to scenes of explosions.

12. Pearl Harbor (2001)

Pearl Harbor (2001)

Pearl Harbor focused mainly on everything Michael Bay didn't know how to do very well, namely character drama and love triangles.

11. 007 - A New Day to Die (2002)

007 - A New Day to Die

Pierce Brosnan hit rock bottom in his fourth and final appearance as James Bond. Packed with bad CGIs and lousy action sequences, 007 - A New Day to Die seemed like an indecisive attempt to upgrade the franchise to the 21st century.

10. Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)

Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)

Too bad we only have one movie with the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation . The story certainly looked promising, but unfortunately it ended up looking more like a spoof than a venture worthy of the Enterprise.

9. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crest Skull (2008)

Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones fans wanted this movie so badly, but what they got was not worth the wait. Forget luck and glory; Instead of solving puzzles and traps on her own, Indiana Jones lets a magical crystal skull do all the work.

8. Iron Man 2 (2010)

Iron Man 2 (2010)

It was one of the most anticipated sequels of 2010, but ended up not having the same charm and popcorn factor of the first movie. Whoever thought he would see Iron Man and the War Machine fighting to the death to defeat the villain in the movie thought wrong, as apparently the villain committed suicide by blowing up his own costume.

7. Terminator Salvation (2009)


Terminator Salvation took us into the future, more precisely during the war against Skynet, a confrontation that seemed to consist mainly of Christian Bale speaking on his radio.

6. Green Lantern (2011)

Green Lantern (2011)

Despite the success of Batman: The Dark Knight, no one could imagine that Warner Bros. would release a really bad and worthless Green Lantern movie, which only has CGI and nothing more to offer than that.

5. Franchise The Spectacular Spider-Man (2012-2014)

Amazing Spider Man

Sony really shot their feet in these two films, and the end result was that we had to hear another story of the neighborhood buddy's origin. If it weren't for Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), these feature films would be a total waste.

4. Pirates of the Caribbean: Sailing on Mysterious Waters (2012) and Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge (2017)

Pirates of the Caribbean

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has been in constant crisis since their last two films. She seems to have serious problems creating new characters and conflicts worthy of the original trilogy. As a result, the feature films are still dependent on worn-out Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp).

3. Batman vs. Superman: The Origin of Justice (2016)

Batman vs Superman

Aside from being a lengthy movie, Batman v Superman failed to clearly present his two main characters to the audience. At least Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) has brought some light to this “dark” movie.

2. Independence Day: The Resurgence (2016)

Independence day

Like many Roland Emmerich films, the new Independence Day presents us with beautiful visual shows, but nothing more.

1. The Mummy (2017)

The Mummy (2017)

Without terror, adventure and dull characters, the return of The Mummy didn't end up having the same charm as its previous films.