18 animals you won't believe exist

1. Gray upturned monkey

In addition to its curious name, this monkey species is marked by a sad curiosity: on rainy days, Rhinopithecus brelichi sneezes a lot, making it an easy target for hunters.

2. Anteater nose

At great risk of extinction, the Saiga, an antelope species, is originally from the Eurasian steppe zone.

3. Hatchet Fish

Despite its scary face, this fish measures a maximum of 12 cm and is completely harmless.

4. Vampire Deer

A small deer, the Hydropower, or Chinese deer, has canines so large that they extend beyond the lower jaw.

5. Bearded Vulture

Originating in the mountains of Europe, Asia and Africa, Gypaetus barbatus feeds almost exclusively on bones, which swallows whole bones or shoots the ground during flight to reach the bone marrow.

6. Mini helicopter

A relative of cicadas and grasshoppers, Bocydium globulare lives in Brazilian lands.

7. Squid with human teeth

Do not worry! What you see is not teeth, but the "lips" of this rare squid called Promachoteuthis sulcus .

8. Bat Tube Nose

Found in the Philippines, this animal is also known as “Yoda Bat”. Unfortunately, this species is also at risk of extinction.

9. Who sees face does not see heart

Like his fellow hatchfish , the wolffish may look as though he would appear in a horror movie, but he's not fierce. But the size scares: it can reach 5 meters and 40 kg!

10. Kite Flying

Present in South America, the female of this curious frog incubates the eggs in the back.

11. Cute, with your mouth shut!

Known as Sarcastic fringehead, Neoclinus blanchardi is very territorialist. If someone approaches, he already opens a huge mouth to show that he is not kidding!

12. Snake-necked Turtle

Chelodina longicollis is a tortoise that lives in the fresh waters of Australia.

13. Pinocchio Frog

This little frog was discovered in 2010 in the Foja Mountains of New Guinea.

14. The biggest frog in the world

Weighing 3 kg, the C onraua goliath is a frog known in Africa by the name of "Goliath" and is served as an exotic dish.

15. Fine nozzle

Gavial, found in India and Nepal, is at great risk of extinction, with fewer than 250 specimens in the world.

16. The Abominable Snow Crab

Kiwa hirsuta has earned its popular name “yeti crab” thanks to its “resemblance” to the Abominable Snowman.

17. Giant Salamander of China

Aquatic species, this salamander lives in China and can weigh up to 25kg.

18. Living Rock

Living off the coast of Chile and Peru, Pyura chilensis, a marine animal, almost goes unnoticed among the rocks.