20 times the top head made someone see the bottom head

Here's another naughty list for the “looks, but it's not!” And “no denying: everyone has a bit of a dirty mind!” Collections.

1 - Big feet correspond to ...

Foot shadow

(Reddit / fluffymypillows)

2 - Naughty Elephant!

Stuffed Elephant

(Reddit / scaffelpike)

3 - Not even the grass escapes



4 - Buoys, sometimes balls


(Reddit / AvailableWrongdoer)

5 - Shake before use


(Someecards / Bronwyn Isaac)

6 - What is this, Captain Kirk?

Captain Kirk

(Someecards / Bronwyn Isaac)

7 - Effects of “overtime”

Office chair

(imgur / g5runner)

8 - Jeez, Spiderman

Spider man

(imgur / dx58soi7)

9 - Toquinha


(Funny Junk)

10 - That hurt

Big toe cut

(Funny Junk)

11 - Naughty Explosion


imgur / cryogenian

12 - This orange ...


(Someecards / Bronwyn Isaac)

13 - This Brazilian Zoeiro



14 - Watch out for the boulder, boy


(Reddit / Shrodingers_gay)

15 - Even at school, guys!


(Reddit / electrocabbage)

16 - Well done logo

By van

(Reddit / rubyology)

17 - Teaching the pet, go…

Pet toy

(Reddit / AtheistPikachu)

18 - Santa Claus, even you?

Santa Claus

(Reddit / EnazAF)

19 - Cow's Head

Ice Cream Brand Logo

(Reddit / Pluvei)

20 - Nothing but a little ice cream, hey!

Ice cream pot

(Reddit / aricberg)


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