Mysterious extensions on Mars would be made of glass

The dark regions on Mars (Image source: Reproduction / NASA)

Mars is 10 million square kilometers called dark regions. These areas, located in the north of the planet, had a composition little known until recently, when scientists believed to have uncovered part of this mystery: these regions could be made of glass.

According to NewScientist, researchers Briony Horgan and Jim Bell (from Arizona State University, Temp) found, from infrared spectra collected by the Mars Express probe, the remnants that would lead to this possibility.

However, doubts still remain, as to the process by which this glass would have been formed on Mars. One of the theories developed by scientists is the interaction between the magma of Martian volcanoes with ice and snow. If this is true, the region would have a rich chemical reaction with water, turning it into a place with potential for alien life.