21 crazy and random curiosities

Today is the day to receive once again our beloved Tips, which decided to collect a series of random curiosities of those that make you widen your eyes and wonder how some things are possible.

Our little fact hunters will bring incredible data and statistics, such as the information that felines can't taste sweet tastes - how sad! In addition, our compilation of randomness warned that in the US, anyone who points a laser at an airplane could be sentenced to 20 years in prison. Just one more spoiler: Zebras have black fur with white stripes - did you already know that or did you think it was the other way around?

To know all the facts that our dear Tips decided to address, you know, right? You have to hit play in the video above and let life take you. If you enjoyed the animation of the week, enjoy and subscribe to the Mega YouTube channel - we work hard so you always get great quality material. To the next!