21 male epilations that cause a lot of shame to others

1. Creating patterns only draws more attention to hair

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2. There are less crude ways to celebrate Christmas

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3. What is the need for this?

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4. When the feat is double

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5. It's ugly, man

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6. The most chinfrim batman there is

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7. Almost right, man, just missing the shirt

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8. The yellow smile should already be foreseen what we think of it there

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9. Wow what a badass!

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10. No mustache on his face, but on his chest

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11. Joining the whole body hair

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12. A tie for those who have the office on the beach and are always in the area

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13. Neither did Einstein like it

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14. Commemorative Date + Hair Removal = NO

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15. Why did you do this to yourself, boy?

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16. Are these wings?

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17. Looks like a playing card

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18. Blade over

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19. Six Pack Belly

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20. Could have made a glass of beer at least

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21. Extreme Patriotism

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A few more other shames:

  • 16 images that prove why women live longer than men
  • It's not a lie! Pinocchio pubic tattoo causes young man to be banned by plane
  • 21 GIFs with the best fails ever recorded