Pac-Man 35 years: Mega curiosities about the biggest icon of video games

Originally developed for arcades in 1980, Pac-Man is one of the best known games today. Created by Japanese designer Toru Iwatani, the game has left deep marks on our society - especially in the gaming industry - and has been responsible for influencing the creation of various products, from shirts and key chains to rugs and mugs.

But did you know that Pac-Man was inspired by a pizza with one less slice? And that the game was aimed at couples and especially women? From the above infographic, we present some very interesting curiosities about this world-renowned game that bears the title of “Most Successful Coin Machine Game in All History”.

Remember that this greedy little yellow ball - which was almost called Pukkuman and Puck-Man - also became a Hollywood star: the 2015 Pixels movie features Pac-Man alongside other iconic characters from the video game world, such as Donkey Kong, Space Invaders and Pong. Be sure to also check out the video of Mega Curioso presenting these mega curiosities about the game in a more dynamic way. Ready for this reunion?

Via TecMundo.

Pac-Man 35 years: Mega curiosities about the biggest icon of video games