4 Ways Earthlings Could Meet Alien Beings

1 - Through lasers

According to scientists, laser beams can reach extraordinary distances, so it is possible for alien civilizations to make use of pulse emission to communicate. SETI personnel - an organization focused on finding intelligent extraterrestrial life - are already using equipment capable of detecting a single photon emitted at fractional second intervals and are conducting scans in regions near the Solar System for signals.

To infinity and beyond

In addition to SETI, researchers at Princeton and Harvard Universities have also joined forces - and over the course of several years have tracked over 10, 000 Sun-like stars for standards-compliant light emissions. existence of alien beings trying to communicate with the earth. Unfortunately (or not) no extraterrestrial activity has been identified so far.

2 - By means of space probes

Just as we Earthlings have already sent space probes to explore the Solar System and the cosmos, there are researchers who believe that extraterrestrial civilizations may well have done the same thing. There are even those who claim that alien equipment is still roaming the Milky Way here, but it hasn't been detected yet because our technology is so primitive.

Probes capable of self-replication

In this sense, a pair of mathematicians at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, have proposed that extraterrestrial probes capable of self-replication may have explored our neighborhood - and may still be snooping around here - without our knowledge. According to scientists, robotic devices could reproduce from interstellar gases or dust and distribute themselves to scour different stars and planets.

As they estimated, if these little robots could travel at about 10% the speed of light, a fleet of them could explore our entire galaxy in about 10 million years - which, on an astronomical scale, is considering a relatively short time.

3 - Through radiation

It is not because we earthlings are looking for aliens that they will be interested in contacting other civilizations. Who makes sure they don't want to be quiet in their corners? In this case, a good way to find them would be to look for large amounts of infrared radiation - released as a byproduct of hypothetical structures that scientists call "Dyson Spheres."

Artistic representation of a Dyson Sphere

Proposed by the theoretical physicist - and science fiction writer - Freeman Dyson in the 1960s, the spheres would be megastructures built by technologically advanced civilizations and orbiting stars to obtain unlimited energy directly.

It turns out that, according to Dyson, the spheres would eventually lose some of the energy collected into space in the form of infrared radiation. Therefore, searching the confines of our galaxy for such radiation could - hypothetically - lead to the discovery of intelligent life forms.

4 - Through the discovery of an apocalypse

When it comes to finding creatures on other planets, the most logical thing would be to look for signs of life, right? However, some scientists propose that if the intention is to confirm that we are not unique in the universe, perhaps we can look for traces that indicate the demise of a civilization.

Death Star

This is because, according to the researchers, just as the activity produced by life could be detected, the gases of decomposition of organisms, the existence of radiation released by nuclear wars, the presence of fragments from a war attack - in the style “Star of the Star”. Death ”of Star Wars - could also be identified.


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