4 times science ended our day

In addition to developing new technologies and finding ways to make our lives easier, Science sometimes provides us with news that makes us happy - such as when it came to talk that sex would amount to moderate physical activity or Eating chocolate would be good for your health. Have you thought? Gorge yourself with a nice candy bar and burn the calories ... with pleasure?

But you know how scientists are! They love to question each other's research - which is very good - and it is not uncommon for a team to find results that contradict previous ones. As it turns out, scholars not only bring down the work of colleagues, but sometimes find that some things that everyone likes to do often can be harmful. Here are some examples:

1 - When they denied that wine and chocolate can be miraculous

Lovers of a beautiful glass of red wine undoubtedly toasted when scientists announced that the drink was rich in antioxidant resveratrol, and that regular (and moderate) consumption could prevent a host of health problems - such as cognitive decline, strokes, and disorders. cardiovascular And when was it disclosed that a little pot was 30 minutes of exercise? Sure a lot of people have replenished the happy winery of life! Poor things ...

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in the US and the University of Barcelona in Spain conducted a nine-year study of 783 men and women from a region of Italy where wine consumption is considerable. After measuring resveratrol levels in daily urine samples, the scientists concluded that the antioxidant had no significant effect on disease prevention.

And since we're on the subject, another food that, unfortunately, has lost its "health-beneficial" status is chocolate. The myth arose after research pointed out that cocoa is rich in flavanol, an antioxidant that can have a positive effect on memory and the heart. However, scientists have found that many manufacturers remove this substance during the production process because of its bitter taste - including dark chocolate bars.

2 - When they revealed that having sex does not replace the gym

Who has never heard - with a smile on his face - that the practice of sex is equivalent to moderate physical exercise? There is even a study on the subject, conducted by researchers at the University of Quebec, Canada, which pointed out that men and women can burn an average of 4.2 and 3.1 calories per minute, respectively, during the “Rala”. and roll ”.

However, this does not mean that activities performed between four walls are equivalent to those practiced in the gym! A survey published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that while 30 minutes of sex can make a person burn between 85 and 150 calories - depending on enthusiasm - the truth is that most lose less than 30 calories during the act.

How can you? A survey of 500 men aged 18 to 30 revealed that during intravaginal sex they take an average of 6.5 minutes before ejaculation. In addition, the time between men over 51 drops to 4.3 minutes. Do the math...

3 - When they found that watching too much TV can be lethal

Are you the kind you can't wait to play in front of your TV and catch up on your shows watching episode after episode for hours on end? If so, science has bad news for you! That's because studies have shown that people who spend too much time watching television are more likely to be lonely and to have depression.

According to researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, things get worse for people who feel guilty about spending hours watching their favorite shows rather than doing what they should - such as studying or finishing some important work. And that is not all!

An 18-year study of more than 86, 000 individuals found that those who often watch TV for many hours a day are at a higher risk for pulmonary embolism - that is, clotting of the pulmonary arteries that most They are often formed in the deep veins of the legs or pelvis and fall into the bloodstream.

4 - When they pointed out that daydreaming is not good

Do you know those times when you stop and wonder what you would do if you won the lottery, if instead of working you were good on a paradise island or if you were a royal in some fabulous country? Because doing so often can be a sign that we are not very happy with our lives - and it does not have a very beneficial effect on emotional health.

According to researchers at Harvard University, the human mind seems to be programmed to daydream. So much so that, as they explained, people spend 47% of their time thinking about things that have little to do with the activities they are performing. In addition, they found that the regularity with which minds wander is often an excellent indication of one's personal satisfaction.

According to scientists, we tend to daydream more often when we are working or using the computer at home. Generally, however, when our minds “travel, ” they lead us to brood over events of the past - often which we regret - or to imagine what the future will be like, which can be frightening. And that, in turn, can arouse negative feelings.

For researchers, instead of wondering what your life would be like if you had studied more or what your next vacation will look like, it is best to try to focus exclusively on the present and what you are doing now - whether you are working or studying. for a test.

* Posted on 10/05/2015


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