5 ancient civilizations that mysteriously disappeared

Throughout human history, various civilizations have flourished and disappeared from the face of the earth. We know that some of them disappeared due to natural disasters, others were decimated during wars and invasions, and there are those that ended up being dominated and their cultures were assimilated by other peoples, for example.

However, there are also civilizations that have disappeared for no obvious reason, and even today many researchers are trying to understand what may have happened to these societies. Here are five examples of missing peoples and some theories as to why:

1 - The Olmecs

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Known as one of the first societies of pre-Columbian culture to inhabit Mesoamerica, there are traces of the Olmec civilization dating from 1, 400 BC Composed of skilled builders, the known archaeological sites of this town feature grand ceremonial pyramids, numerous stone monuments and grand sculptures. .

Composed of one of the most advanced peoples of the time, the Olmec economy was largely based on trade. Considered by many scholars to be the mother culture of other Mesoamerican societies, Olmec society began to disappear around 400 BC, and no one knows for sure why. One hypothesis is that the decline was the result of environmental changes, although some believe the Olmecs have been invaded.

2 - The Rapa Nui

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Another civilization that mysteriously disappeared were the Rapa Nui, the ancient inhabitants of Easter Island. While no one knows for sure how the huge moais - the stone sculptures that spread throughout the island - were built and transported, other questions that remain unanswered is how these people got there and what exactly led to their disappearance.

The Rapa Nui are now known to be of Polynesian origin and are believed to have reached Easter Island between 300 and 1, 200 AD. Some scholars also believe that these people had contact with South America by introducing some plants - such as sweet potatoes - native to the island. One of the most widely accepted assumptions about their disappearance is that the Rapa Nui depleted the local natural resources and had to find somewhere else to live.

3 - The Harappa

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Also known as the Indus Valley Civilization, the Harappean society flourished thousands of years ago and is estimated to have a population of 5 million, spread across the region that today corresponds to Iran, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. .

However, despite being regarded as one of the great civilizations of the ancient world, it is unclear what caused the harappeans to abandon their incredible multi-storey buildings and houses present in their large cities for over 3, 000 years. One theory is that the gradual change in rainfall has made food production for so many people unviable.

4 - The Khmer

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Although most people know only the amazing Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia, the truth is that this building is a small part of a huge urban complex that was inhabited by the Khmer. The city, a true architectural wonder, flourished during the Middle Ages - between 1, 000 and 1, 200 AD - and probably housed a population of 1 million.

Today, most of the buildings are under the forest, and archaeologists believe that Angkor was the largest city in the world in its time. Researchers are still working on finding answers to what caused the Khmer to disappear, and the most common assumptions range from wars to natural disasters.

5 - The Mayans

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The Mayan civilization - one of the largest in Mesoamerica - is perhaps the most classic example of society that has disappeared and no one can say exactly why. Many traditions and even some dialects of this people have survived the passage of time, as have many of its monuments, cities and roads, which run from Mexico to Belize and Guatemala.

In addition to being skilled engineers, the Maya also developed sophisticated calendars and made extensive use of mathematics, astronomy, and writing. The reason for the decline of this civilization is not very clear, but the evidence points to climate change on the Yucatan peninsula, combined with wars that forced the population to leave large cities due to famine.

* Originally posted 21/10/2013.


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