5 star attacks that nearly compromised some movies

Do not think that it is only in your job that there are people who think they are the King of Cocada, to the point of opinion on everything: in the Cinema, the Dream Factory, this is extremely common! Below you will find some examples of intransigence of actors who narrowly did not compromise the films. Check out:

1. Tom Cruise in “The Mummy” (2017)

With a budget of $ 125 million and worldwide box office at $ 409 million, "The Mummy" even paid off, but did not yield the expected profit. The blame, according to experts, was Tom Cruise's over-preciousness, which had full control at all stages of production. He even required script changes to appear longer than Mummy herself - initially they would have the same screen time.

the Mummy

2. Bryce Dallas Howard in Jurassic World (2015)

One detail didn't go unnoticed by fans of the movie: How the hell could Claire escape a tyrannosaurus wearing a high-heeled shoe? Actress Bryce Dallas Howard stamped her foot to keep her shoes on, even though everyone said it wouldn't make sense for her to run away like that. There was no way to change her mind, and the scene became a movie joke.

Jurassic World

3. Ben Affleck in “Exemplary Girl” (2014)

To embody a character, you must incorporate all of its characteristics. In one scene, however, there was a clash between actor Ben Affleck and director David Fincher over a cap: Fincher wanted Affleck to put on a model with the New York Yankees baseball team symbol, which would be more consistent with the character., but the actor vehemently refused. Affleck is a Boston Red Sox fanatic and didn't want to use his rival's brand. After much fighting, both agreed to opt for a cap from the New York Mets, a smaller but still New York team.

exemplary girl

4. Crispin Glover in “The Panthers” (2000)

Glover is not even in the upper echelon of actors, but decided to set foot on the set of "The Panthers": for him, his villain's lines were terrible, empty and had nothing to do with it. What was the solution found? Leave the character silent! Thus, Glover had to improvise faces and mouths to make a villain without the "bad phrases" he complained about. What cardboard ...

the Panthers

5. Mike Myers in "Shrek" (2001)

Here in Brazil, we meet the beloved green ogre with the voice of the eternal Bussunda. However, in the original, who voiced it was actor Mike Myers, known for movies like "Austin Powers" and "The More Idiot the Better." The discussion about what Shrek's accent would take took a long time. After about 30% of the dubbed movie, Myers came up with a new idea: What if the ogre was Irish? Since the villain Lord Farquaad was English with a legitimate British accent, Shrek's voice as a mere mortal could emphasize the difference between them. The new voiceovers cost about $ 5 million, but made the movie a success.



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