5 dogs that work like big people

1. Piper, the animal control expert on the track

The 7-year-old Border Collie Piper is tasked with keeping wildlife off the runway at Cherry Capital Airport in Traverse, USA. He is one of 10 dogs nationwide to have this kind of function. Its main assignment is to chase birds and small rodents.

2. Albert the Scientist

This labrador is the star of a YouTube channel that shows how dogs can be very intelligent, curious and persistent. He looks for several different alternatives until he solves a problem and wins his snack.

3. Lila the Lobster Hunter

Alex Schulze has an organization that preserves turtles. In his spare time, he trained his Labradors to fish for dinner at the bottom of the ocean: Lila, the oldest of the dogs, dives 5 meters down to catch lobsters.

4. Chester Ludlow, the fraud specialist

The GetEducated site used pug Chester Ludlow to prove that it is very easy to get a degree in the name of anyone - even animals. Chester even received an MBA certificate, becoming famous on the internet with these "achievements".

5. Bear the electronics sniffer

Dogs that use their nose to find drugs or people are already commonplace around the world. Bear, however, uses his gifts to find electronic objects such as computers, tablets and flash drives.


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