8 curious and random facts related to july

It's okay that July is almost over, but that's no reason not to know a lot of randomness and interesting information about it, right? So come with us and check it out below!

Originally, at a time when the Roman Empire ruled over much of the world, July was called Quintilis - meaning “fifth” - since this was the 5th month of the year on the calendar that was used then.

2 - The name changed from Quintilis to July because of politician and military leader Julius Caesar. The ruling was passed by the Senate in 46 BC, when the Roman general reorganized the calendar - and because that was the birth month of the big shot.

Julio Cesar


3 - As you know (and should feel on your skin, depending on the region of the country where you live), July is, on average, the coldest of the year in the Southern Hemisphere - and the warmest in the Northern Hemisphere.

4 - Some famous people born in July - besides Julius Caesar - are Alexander the Great, Alexander Dumas, Angela Merkel, Dalai Lama, Ernest Hemingway, Franz Kafka, Frida Kahlo, Harrison Ford, Henry Ford, JK Rowling, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana, Rembrandt, Robin Williams, Simon Bolivar, Sylvester Stallone and Tom Hanks.

Dalai Lama

(Business Insider / Keith Tsuji / Getty Images)

Speaking of birthdays, for those who care about astrology and horoscopes, the zodiac signs of people born in July are Cancer (from June 21 to July 22) and Leo (from July 23 to August 22). .

6 - In addition to the famous July 4th, when the US celebrates its Independence, other important celebrations this month are Bastille Day in France on July 14 and Canada National Day on July 1., which celebrates the date of unification of the three colonial provinces (Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) into a single domain within the British Empire.

Bastille Day


7 - Did you know that the first nuclear test in history took place in July? The date was the 16th, the year 1945, and the detonation of the artifact took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico.

8 - Did you know that April 1st and July 1st of the same year always fall on the same day of the week? This is because of the number of days that exist between the two dates - which add up to 91. This number, in turn, is a multiple of 7 and is equivalent to the days of the week, so there will always be a standardization between the two dates.


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