5 Celebrities Who Have Been Killed Over the Internet [video]

The speed with which information travels on the internet can be considered a double-edged sword. Just as we learn about things happening on the other side of the world in a matter of seconds, the space is ideal for unsubstantiated rumors to become "true" all of a sudden.

In the list below, we list five celebrities who were victims of the jokes and rumors circulating every day on social networks. They had to go public simply to prove that they were alive and that everything that was said about them was just a big mess.

5 - Renato Aragon

At the beginning of last month the humorist Renato Aragão had to issue an official note just to inform the world that he was alive. He even received phone calls from journalists who wanted to know more about the tragedy. The rumor was born on Facebook and spread to Didi.

4 - Yudi Tamashiro

Last year, presenter Yudi Tamashiro didn't usually sleep early and left the phone in airplane mode so no one would bother. But one day it happened and some funny guy decided to post on the internet that he had died. His "death" on social media lasted all night until he woke up and dismissed the whole story.

3 - Édgar Vivar

Edgar Vivar is the actor responsible for playing the character Your Belly in the series Chaves. He is also another victim of internet rumors and has had to deny his death more than once. On Twitter, he has also been among the most talked about topics because of his alleged demise.

2 - Mr. Catra

A few months ago a rumor began to circulate that the singer Mr. Catra had died. The lie spread so widely that the hashtag #lutopormrcatra even figured on Twitter's trending topics. Hours later, Catra was forced to issue an official note stating that she was alive. He even joked that he was going to make some more children.

1 - Britney Spears

In 2001, a Dallas radio station reported that Bitney Spears had died in a car accident while traveling with Justin Timberlake. The news spread around the world and a fake BBC page helped to make the rumor more widely reproduced by websites and newspapers. The fans went crazy until Britney went public and showed that it was all a scam.

Do you know other curious rumors that eventually came true? Comment on TecMundo Forum

Via TecMundo.