5 Reasons Why You Can't Miss Breakfast

1. Eating breakfast restores energy lost during sleep

The calories ingested at breakfast are extremely important for body functioning during the day. First, because after a long period of fasting, glucose and glycogen have burned - essential for maintaining body functions such as respiration and blood circulation - and the stores of these substances need to be replenished.

A boy sitting

2. Helps to suppress hunger

Another function of the first meal of the day is to promote the feeling of satiety throughout the day. Recent studies have shown that eating well soon after waking up, as well as improving bowel function, inhibits overeating in the course of the day, thus allowing greater control over weight.

A person

3. Improves body, mind and - why not? - the soul?

Breakfast works as a kind of fuel for the human body. The foods consumed in this meal have a direct impact on physical disposition, logical reasoning and acceleration of metabolism. For those who practice hypertrophy training, it helps prevent muscle loss.

A man

4. The breakfast menu has essential nutrients for the body.

Breakfast foods, rather than helping replenish the body's energy reserves, are able to contribute to increased life expectancy. Fiber present in cereals, for example, regulates the gut and assists in lowering triglycerides. Proteins - such as eggs, nuts and milk - feel satiated and help control blood sugar levels.

A plate of food

5. The habit of drinking coffee should start in childhood.

Concentration during class and the learning process does not start when children reach their classes, but in the home kitchen. It is proven that for a really good day, you have to have the habit of having breakfast right after getting out of bed.

strong child