5 questions to let you know who the Goatman is

Goatman legend has existed in the United States since 1957. The half-man and half-goat monster was reportedly seen recently in three different states: Texas, Wisconsin and Kentucky. Have you heard of him? Do you believe in urban legends? Would it just be a joke to attract tourism?

1. Where does the Goatman come from?

There are several theories about the origin of this monster: it could be a supernatural legend, like Bigfoot, or even a work of the thorny devil himself. Another "explanation" is that it is the result of mixing a farmer's DNA with that of a goat.


2. What does he look like?

The description of the legend varies by place. Basically, the humanoid goat has oily skin and tangled hair all over its body. He walks on two legs and has a chubby face. From the head come two frightening horns, and their ears are pointed. He has no voice, but his roar is described as something only the demon could produce.


3. Why are people afraid of him?

Did you read the item above? If the description of the pussy is not enough, know that when it first appeared in 1957, Goatman just scared couples on a Maryland trail and would have killed a dog. But years later, in 1962, he reportedly murdered 14 people - crimes that were never solved by local police.


4. Where does the Goatman live?

Recently, people from Texas, Wisconsin, and Kentucky swear to their feet together to see the creature. However, he is believed to still live in Maryland, his home state - including the 1964 deaths.

Vade Retro!

5. How old is the Goat Man?

This is difficult to specify, as he may even be a Greek satirical: creature with the same hybrid appearance between man and goat. Another reference would be the mystical creature Pan, also with the same description.

Is that you Satan?


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